Report Examples
Here are some visual examples including configurations of what you can do with Analytics.
Click Add Pivot to add pivot fields.
The example used to show how to build a report with times displaying in the HH:mm:ss format is using the 'Chute' system Calculated Time. You can use different times in your report to get the information you need.
Data Sources:
PCR Main
PCR Calculated Times
Fields with Formats (in order of use):
DT_DISP (24HR DateTime with seconds)
PRID (00000)
DT_ENROUTE (24HR DateTime with seconds)
DT_ARRIVE (none)
PRID (0.00)
Access the Advanced Settings for this field to setup the Expression and Expression Type.
Expression = ROUND((DT_ENROUTE-DT_DISP) *1440,2)
Expression Type = Numeric
PRID (none)
Access the Advanced Settings for this field to setup the Expression and Expression Type.
Expression = TO_CHAR(TIME'0:0:0'+NUMTODSINTERVAL((DT_ENROUTE-DT_DISP), 'day'), 'hh24:mi:ss')
Expression Type = String
Access the Advanced Settings for this field to setup the Expression and Expression Type.
Expression = TO_CHAR(TIME'0:0:0'+NUMTODSINTERVAL(CHUTE_TIME, 'minute'), 'hh24:mi:ss')
Expression Type = String
In this example we are using Filters to see the data from the previous year and to hide any results that do not have a Chute time.
Filter Field = DT_DISP
Operator = In Time Period
Value(s) = Previous Year
Filter Field = CHUTE_TIME
Operator = Is Greater Than
Value(s) = 0